Ajax CalendarExtender - Date Validation

I've just been asked to find a solution to stop users choosing dates in the past in a calendarextender control. After using a little google-phoo, I found a couple of solutions which involved extending the extender itself. Altering the calendar.js then recompiling it and putting it back into your solution. That just seems a bit excessive to me. So I got to thinking couldn't I just use some in page JavaScript to trap the date entered.

First we add a text box and a calendarextender:

<asp:TextBox ID="txtDate" MaxLength="10" runat="server"

cc1:CalendarExtender ID="CalendarExtender1" runat="server"
Format="dd/MM/yyyy" TargetControlID="txtDate"
OnClientDateSelectionChanged="checkDate"&gt; </cc1:CalendarExtender>

you may notice that the CalendarExtender has an event attached (checkDate) - this is the JavaScript function you want it to call when ever you select a new date, add this function the top of your aspx page:

<script type="text/javascript">

function checkDate(sender,args)
//create a new date var and set it to the
//value of the senders selected date
var selectedDate = new Date();
selectedDate = sender._selectedDate;
//create a date var and set it's value to today
var todayDate = new Date();
var mssge = "";

if(selectedDate < todayDate)
//set the senders selected date to today
sender._selectedDate = todayDate;
//set the textbox assigned to the cal-ex to today
//alert the user what we just did and why
"Warning! - Date Cannot be in the past");

Simple and the nice thing is it's reusable for all the calendarextenders on your page, just add the checkDate function to your other extenders.

Happy Coding


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