Multiple font weights via CSS 3 and more font fun

The way @font-face works is that whatever font attributes you specify for a @font-face rule, they don’t determine how the font looks but rather when it’s gonna get used. For example if you have the following two rules.

  1. @font-face {
  2. font-family: newfont;
  3. src: local(Arial);
  4. font-weight: 200;
  5. }
  6. @font-face {
  7. font-family: newfont;
  8. src: local(Calibri);
  9. font-weight: 300;
  10. }

We posted on TypeKit recently, and we have another playa Kernest in the "fix friggin type on the Web" game.

And for a final little nugget of font goodness,

Typekit looks to include jQuery, loads CSS with base64-encoded data:font/otf URLs
for @font-face. "Safer" than a plain open .TTF, I suppose.

If you have better solution, just tell me !


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