I recently came across a 2 dimensional barcode called QR Code. QR code’s are popular in Japan and they are mainly used there to quickly get to some website on their mobiles by simply taking a picture of the QR code. You may read more about QR codes on Wikipedia.
Here is an example of QR code for jQuery HowTo blog:
If you have a QR code reader on your mobile take a picture of it and it will open this website. Cool ha?!
Anyway, there are plenty of free online QR code generator sites, but no JavaScript and jQuery plugins/functions. So, I quickly searched for a free online QR code generator sites with “friendly” URL’s and put together a javascript and jQuery functions that generate QR barcode image’s URL for passed URLs. I used Kaywa & University of Bath services.
Here are javascript and jQuery QR code functions:
// JavaScript function |
The code above utilizes Kaywa’s online QR code generator. You can specify image site as the second argument to the function. The size argument mut be between 1 and 40 and the generated image will 32 x your argument.
Here is javascript and jQuery code for University of Bath barcode generator:
If you have better solution, just tell me !
// JavaScript function
function qrcode(url){
return 'http://go.bath.ac.uk/qr/download?DATA='+url;
// jQuery plugin
(function ($) {
$.fn.qrcode = function(url) {
return 'http://go.bath.ac.uk/qr/download?DATA='+url;
Thank you.Well it was nice post and very helpful information on Ruby on Rails Online Course Bangalore
Qrcode create library can not only be applied to java, but also used on .net C#
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